Painting an older home can be an exciting, yet nerve-wracking experience. Between picking out the best color schemes and tackling any last-minute surprises, you are guaranteed to have your hands full. But what other things should you take into consideration when undertaking a restoration paint job for your home?
Take a look at our five considerations for a restoration paint job to get you started on the right foot.
Restoration Paint Job Considerations
1) Job size and complexity
One thing you should always consider when painting the exterior of your home is the size and complexity of the job. Are there a lot of more elegant details to the exterior of your home? Do you have a two-story Victorian house which will need special safety equipment to get to hard-to-reach places?
Depending on your DIY capabilities it may be better to simply hire out a residential painter to get the job done for you. You'll notice a huge difference in the quality of work and the time saved doing so.
2) Tools for the job
As we mentioned earlier, getting the right tools for the job can be a real deal breaker for a DIY home painter. The cost of paint equipment, ladders, and the plethora of other things you’ll need can rack up quite the bill.
Once you purchase the equipment, they can take up quite a bit of space, too. You’re better off hiring a team of contractors who are already well equipped for the job. In most cases, you’ll come out ahead both financially and aesthetically.
3) Paint quality
Our team of professional painters has been at the game for a long time. We’ve tested many different brands of paint and have seen many color combinations. We're pretty confident we can pick out what would look best for your home.
But if you’re going to attempt to paint your own home, you may want to think twice about purchasing the cheapest paint in the store. It’s an investment you shouldn’t take lightly. A high-quality paint will protect the exterior of your home for a good ten years.
4) Accentuate the details of your home
When you have an older home painted, it’s important to accentuate key features to make new paint POP! For instance, instead of trying to change the exterior of your homestay true to its style. By working with the style of your home, you’ll be able to make some of the key architectural features stand out.
Have you considered painting your door a bright, vivid color that compliments the rest of the house? How about staining your fence? Remember, colors work best for a house if introduced in three’s. More than that and homes tend to look a little tacky.
5) Time estimates
Another primary consideration you should think about before painting your home is how much time do you have to do so. Is this something you plan on doing quickly or when you’re able to get to it?
If you find your schedule is too busy, you may be better off having a professional come and paint your home for you. If you take this route, be sure to hire someone reputable who has stood the test of time.
Are you considering giving your residential home a restoration paint job? Contact us today to get a free cost estimate on our local restoration painters!